segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007

A Índia por um indiano

Nos preparativos da viagem, nos correspondemos com alguns indianos pelo CouchSurfing. Na troca de mensagens um deles, o Harmeet Singh (vai se acostumando com os nomes) fez a seguinte descrição do seu país:

"You see India is a combination of very different and spread out cultures . We have 14 official regional languages and 1000's of different dialects.....there are some 6 major religions....every 100 kms you see the style of speaking, dressing, cooking change....there are areas still in India where tribals live in jungle and communicate in jungle talk (that is without any language, but just different sounds)....till 30-40 years back we still had tribals which believed in head of the richest man in the world lives here and the poorest of poorest also live here......there are areas which were ruled till 60's by french or portuguese and still have their influence.....there exist the highest mountains in the world (Himalayas) which have all year snow capped mountains and cold deserts also.....then there are areas with the highest rainfall in the world (cheerapunji) , 1000's of Kms of beach coast, tropical rain forest , Desert area (where it doesn't rain for years), have 1000's of old temples, palaces, city ruins, parks which tell you million stories...."

Head-hunting: "the act or custom of seeking out, decapitating, and preserving the heads of enemies as trophies".

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